Riverstone Tennis courts
Riverstone's Tennis Courts have been reopened, with some additional restrictions, as can be seen below. Please read these restrictions carefully.
Because tennis does not require any direct person-to-person contact, players can enjoy the many physical and mental benefits that tennis offers so long as you practice social distancing by keeping six feet apart from other players.
Do Not Play if you:
- Are exhibiting any symptoms of the coronavirus: mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough and difficulty breathing, or other symptoms identified by the CDC.
- Have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
- Are a vulnerable individual. A vulnerable individual is an elderly individual and/or an individual with serious underlying health conditions.
You should:
- Arrange to play only with family members or others who live in your household or with individuals who are considered to be low risk.
- Protect against infections:
- Wash your hands with a disinfectant soap and water (for 20 seconds or longer), or use a hand sanitizer, before going to the court.
- Clean and wipe down your equipment, including racquets and water bottles. Do not share racquets or any other equipment such as wristbands, grips, hats and towels.
- Try to stay at least six feet apart from other players. Do not make physical contact with them (such as shaking hands or a high five).
- You should consider not playing doubles, which could lead to incidental contact and unwanted proximity.
- Use your racquet/foot to pick up balls and hit them to your opponent. Avoid using your hands to pick up the balls.
- Stay on your side of court. Avoid changing ends of the court.
- If a ball from another court comes to you, send it back with a kick or with your racquet.
- Leave the court as soon as reasonably possible.
- Wash your hands thoroughly or use a hand sanitizer after coming off the court.
- No extra-curricular or social activity should take place. No congregation after playing.
Players will play at their own risk and must use health and safety practices at all times. This action is needed to insure the health and safety of our community. We are currently going into uncharted waters and we hope you will understand as we take actions to ensure the safety of our community and our residents.
As a reminder, Players are requested to use the parking lot at the Riverstone Blvd Rec Center when visiting Tennis Courts 9 & 10. Please do not block resident’s homes in the Parkside neighborhood.
Tennis Courts are reservable via our NEW Riverstone App, available for Android and iPhone.