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Q: Who will be picking up the debris from the hurricane?
A: As of September 5th, the Fort Bend County debris removal contractor has completed a final pass of storm debris collection and will no longer be picking up storm debris. All debris generated from reconstruction activities (e.g. new fencing or roofing) should be properly disposed of by the homeowner or contractor performing the work. Please contact your residential solid waste provider for any questions you may have regarding regular garbage and heavy trash collection.
Q: Who can I contact regarding the disposal of storm debris?
A: Residents and private contractors having debris to dispose of can use the following resources:
• BFI- Blue Ridge Landfill
2200 FM 521, Fresno, TX
• Fort Bend Regional Landfill
FM 1994 @ FM 361 outside of Fairchilds
• Sprint Fort Bend Landfill
16007 West Belfort
Richmond, TX 77469
281- 277-3277
Q: Where can I report the damages from the storm?
A: Residents who have experienced storm damage should report the damage. The recovery and disaster assistance that Fort Bend County qualifies to receive is based on the amount of damage assessed. It is imperative that residents who experienced storm damage, report that damage. Please use the link below to complete the damage survey with the Texas Department of Emergency Management.
Click here for more information on this alert.
Q: If my fence fell, who is responsible for fixing the fence?
A: Shared fences on the property line between residential lots are the responsibility of both homeowners to maintain and repair the fence as needed.
Q: What fences are the HOA responsible for?
A: The HOA is responsible for brick walls and some rod-iron fences. If you have experienced a broken brick wall or noticed a damaged common area fence, please report it to our Operations Department at
Street Signs
Q: To whom do I report a missing or damaged street sign in a non-gated community?
A: Should you notice a missing or damaged street sign, you can report it to the HOA or Click Here to report it directly to Ft Bend County.
Q: To whom do I report a missing or damaged street sign in a gated community?
A; All gated sections would need to report street signs to the HOA Operations department by using the LUKE app or by emailing
Fallen Trees
Q: How do I know if I need to replace a damaged tree on my property?
A: The location of the tree will determine if replacement is required. A street tree, which is a tree located near the curb of a home, will require replacement. If the tree is located on your front lawn between the sidewalk and the residence, the resident may not be required to replace that tree, depending on which neighborhood the home is located in. Please contact our Compliance department for more information and application on tree replacement at
Q: I see some damage and debris in a common area. Who can I report it to?
A: Please report all damages to the Operations Department,
Q: Who handles Mosquito spraying throughout Riverstone?
A: The Riverstone MUD handles Mosquito spraying throughout the neighborhoods. You can find information on how to contact your MUD district by following the link provided
Of course, fogging can only help so much with rain, standing water, organic debris, etc. The Districts fog as frequently as allowed by law.
Q: When does the MUD spray for mosquitos?
A: Fogging occurs when it is safe to do so, in the late evening and early morning (around 2 a.m.)
For additional information and measures for mosquito control and prevention, you may visit:
Mosquito Control at Home | Mosquitoes | CDC
Preventing Mosquito Bites | Mosquitoes | CDC
Tips to Prevent Mosquito Bites | US EPA