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Why is there an election for the Board? Since the JDC ownership entities have transferred title of all sellable property within the boundaries of Riverstone, the Board will be filled with property owners in good standing within the association.
What are the responsibilities of the Board? The Board of Directors responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Who serves on the Board? The Riverstone CPOA Board will transition to property owners of record to elected Board positions.
How long is a Board member's term? The newly elected Board members will serve staggered terms based on the number of votes received.
How are winners determined? The quorum requirement is 10% of eligible Members and once the quorum is reached, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes will serve the 3-year term, the candidate receiving the second highest number of votes will serve the 2-year term, and the candidate receiving the third highest number of votes will serve the l-year term. At or before annual meetings thereafter, the Members will elect directors for 3-year terms.
Who tabulates the votes? In addition to handling the voting process, a third-party company will tabulate the results to maintain the integrity of the voting. No one from the Riverstone CPOA Board or Management will be involved in verifying and tabulating the votes.
To submit your Nomination Form: If you are interested in serving on the Board, please complete the following Willingness to Serve Form and return it along with a photograph to the attention of Ryan Evans via email at or by hand delivery to the Association Office (18353 University Blvd.) .
PDF copies of the Candidate Willingness to Serve Form can be found here.